Sabtu, 03 April 2021

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Vision and Roadmap - ppt download

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Vision and Roadmap - ppt download: Safe Harbor Statement The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

Senin, 25 Januari 2021

Plan for HR Shared Services - ppt download

Plan for HR Shared Services - ppt download: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Key Insight: SAMPLE Situation Limited resources are putting pressure on HR departments to improve their efficiency. At the same time, HR needs to deliver more strategic value, provide data on the types of services it offers, and improve the quality of its services. Resolution Follow a detailed planning process to create a shared service model that is tailored to your organization and specifically created to achieve your objectives. Ensure employee experience is considered throughout the process so the final product will fit their needs. Complication Shared services are a common response to these challenges, but are extremely complex and differ in many ways from one organization to another. Large-scale transformations like shared services require a lot of buy-in, but organizations are hesitant to disclose details before they know what the final outcome will be. There is no single HR shared service model that fits everywhere. Use a detailed planning process that identifies objectives, maps the current state, and then explores several options for improvement before deciding on a final recommendation. SAMPLE

Minggu, 27 September 2020

Talent Management in the 2020s - ppt download

Talent Management in the 2020s - ppt download: Objectives for today Define talent management Remind ourselves why talent management is important (to organisations and individuals) Identify future trends in work generally and talent management particularly Share practical tools, techniques, methods, hints and tips Discuss personal implications to us as coaches/consultants of future trends in talent management  What would you like to get out of

Minggu, 28 Juni 2020

Doa Antara Dua Sujud

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Oleh: Bahron Ansori

Sejenak mari renungkan satu per satu doa duduk di antara dua sujud yang kadang terlupakan. Pertama, rabbighfirlii, wahai Tuhan ampunilah dosaku. Dosa adalah beban berat yang wajib dikurangi, bahkan dibuang. Karena dosa, hati menjadi kotor, bahkan mati. Dosa pula yang menjadi sebab seorang hamba malas beribadah. Perlu istighfar setiap waktu agar dosa-dosa itu gugur.

Kedua, warhamnii, sayangilah diriku. Tidak ada kasih sayang terindah di dunia ini selain kasih sayang Allah SWT. Tidak pula kasih sayang manusia yang satu dengan yang lain, kasih sayang orang tua kepada anak, suami kepada istri, bahkan seseorang atas dirinya sendiri. Kasih sayang Allah SWT jauh di atas segala kasih sayang.

Ketiga, wajburnii, tutuplah segala aibku. Siapakah yang mampu menutup aib seseorang selain Allah SWT? Bersyukur sebab meski aib kita banyaknya tak terkira, Allah SWT telah menutupnya dari hadapan manusia. Bayangkan andai setiap aib yang dilakukan manusia itu Allah SWT tampakkan?